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90% of Discount Nail Art Flat Bottom Shaped Diamond Bead Metal Ring Diamond Nail Jewelry
12. Juli 2021, 16:50

90% of Discount Nail Art Flat Bottom Shaped Diamond Bead Metal Ring Diamond Nail Jewelry

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2€ 2,90€

Discount Code  BDFPKHC3

  • Made of high quality materials, pure, strong and transparent. The AB coated beads are like mirrors and reflect rainbow-like colours. The silver plating helps to improve the shine of reflections. The built-in flat back can be easily attached to natural nails and false nails. The rhinestones are not hotfix and require glue to stick on (glue is not included)
  • The perfect AB rhinestones can be used for crafts, nail art, clothing, shoes, jewellery, phones, card making, DIY, bags, bridal dresses, books, guitars, cups, tablets, high heels, tablecloths, etc.
  • 6 Shapes: There are 6 different hot selling styles of 3D nail rhinestones. Its crafts are sparkling and full of charm and make your nails more dazzling and charming. This is a stylish and practical crystal suit with flat bottom made of glass.
  • Nail Art Decoration Art Decoration Gems: These tons of nail gems and nail stones offer a good selection of shapes, colours and sizes. All rhinestones for nails are gemstones, pretty and sparkling, the shapes are just as smooth and charming. There is enough variety in the boxes to get a variety of possible designs
  • Friendly Customer Service: We are very concerned about the customer experience and are always ready to help you if for any reason you are not satisfied with our service, please let us know and we will solve it for you as soon as possible. Welcome to the order, thank you for your support!
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