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Appstore: Picture Effect Magic Pro [iOS] anstatt 1,59€ jetzt kostenlos
8. Okt. 2012, 02:19

Appstore: Picture Effect Magic Pro [iOS] anstatt 1,59€ jetzt kostenlos

1 5

Picture Effect Magic Pro features the broadest selection of high-quality photographic effects at the App Store

By pressing one button you can turn your shot into a retro photo or a picture drawn by a pencil or paints, or done in a Modern Art style. Alternatively, you can simply add a pretty frame of flowers or butterflies. Or whatever else you might desire – the choice is practically unlimited!

Here is just a short list of some effects contained in the application:
Sepia, Black and White, Pencil Paint, Mirror, Swirl, Neon Light, Hue Green, Rainbow, Emboss, Comic,Ice, Blur, Pinch, Wave, Old Film Frame, , Solarize, Old Photo, Oilpainting, and there are many many more!

What’s the sense of buying numerous different applications containing only a small number of effects, if you can purchase Photo Effect Pro, which currently features 30 most Basic filters and effects! You will surely find those which are most suitable for your needs.

Maximum ease and comfort in usage were our main goals when creating the user interface. Just enjoy experimenting with your photos and leave other concerns aside!

Besides the effects, you can make use of such instruments as Color adjustment (with RGB,HSL,HSV,YUV,CMYK formate), Brightness adjustments, Flip and other possibilities for quick modification of your photos.

You can store the resulting photos with the Original quality available at your device.

Moreover, you can easily send your pics to E-Mail, Facebook or Flickr directly from the application!

And keep in mind that you can easily mix any effects as many times as you wish thus creating your own unique effects! Possibilities for experimenting are enormous end number of resulting effects - truly endless!

Full screen support!

Save to photo library!

Color splash function support!

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Kommentare (5)

Schreiben Kommentar schreiben
08.10.2012, 21:48

Hast die von appticker?!

08.10.2012, 06:30

Poste ja nur die Apps, die gerade kostenlos sind.

08.10.2012, 00:47

Hahaha :D Dann lege ich auch los :D :D

08.10.2012, 00:35

wenn es nur kostenlose sind, immer her damit :D :D

08.10.2012, 00:31

Willst du ganze App Store app hier Posten ?
