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Brian Adams – Anthology 2CDs inkl. Versand nur 4,99€
6. Nov. 2012, 05:17

Brian Adams – Anthology 2CDs inkl. Versand nur 4,99€

1 7


Disk 1 :

Lonely Nights
Straight From The Heart
Cuts Like A Knife
This Time
Run To You
Summer Of '69
One Night Love Affair
It's Only Love With Tina Turner
Heat Of The Night
Hearts On Fire
(Everything I Do) I Do It For You
Can't Stop This Thing We Started
There Will Never Be Another Tonight
Thought I'd Died And Gone To Heaven
All I Want Is You

Disk 2 :

Please Forgive Me
All For Love With Sting And Rod Stewart
Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?
Rock Steady (Live)
The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me Is You
Let's Make A Night To Remember
Back To You (Live)
I'm Ready (Live)
On A Day Like Today
When You're Gone With Melanie C
Cloud Number Nine (Chicane Mix)
Best Of Me
Here I Am
Open Road
18 Til I Die (Live)
So Far So Good
I'm Not The Man You Think I Am

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