25. Jan. 2013, 20:13
Individuelle Nussmischung bei 14€ Gutschein für 7€
Ich werde das jetzt mal ausprobieren.
Finde die Idee gut, sich seine individuelle Nussmischung selbst zusammenzustellen.
Der Gutschein gilt auf das gesamte Sortiment.
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Kommentare (1)
Schreiben Kommentar schreibenHappy Vegan Anniversary! I think Celine has a love affair with Speculoos and that's okay bacsuee she keeps writing up all of these delicious recipes.Being vegan doesn't automatically mean you will lose weight if you are eating alot of processed foods. As vegans we get enough fingers pointed at us by what we believe in and what we don't eat that putting up billboards like PCRM doesn't help us at all. We should be putting up billboards that show vegans as being compassionate and loving life such as Chris Karr or Colleen Patrick Goudreau. Why can't they show a family with some animals and beautiful food on a table or something? I do have to say though PCRM has done and is doing so many good things and is soooo much better than PETA