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  • Knitting Brioche: The Essential Guide to the Brioche Stitch technique [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Statt: EUR 2.999,99 nur noch 10,99
Knitting Brioche: The Essential Guide to the Brioche Stitch technique [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Statt:	EUR 2.999,99 nur noch 10,99
22. Dez. 2012, 13:43

Knitting Brioche: The Essential Guide to the Brioche Stitch technique [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Statt: EUR 2.999,99 nur noch 10,99

1 7

Sie sparen: EUR 2.989,00 (100%)

Schnell, ein Schnapper ;)

Erscheinungstermin: 26. Februar 2010
Hungry for new knitting techniques? Try knitting brioche! Knitting Brioche is the first and only knitting book devoted exclusively to brioche stitch, a knitting technique that creates a double-sided fabric. This complete guide will take you from your first brioche stitches to your first (or hundredth) project, and even to designing with brioche stitch, if you desire. Whether you're new to brioche knitting or experienced at "brioching," author Nancy Marchant provides the information and inspiration you need. Inside Knitting Brioche, you'll find: Detailed instructions and step-by-step photos that will guide you through all of the techniques you'll need for brioche knitting. A stitch dictionary including 60 beautiful stitch patterns with many multicolor options. 25 patterns for garments and accessories, all made with brioche stitches, some combined with other design elements including cables, lace, intarsia and more! Grab your needles and yarn and take a bite out of brioche knitting.

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Kommentare (7)

Schreiben Kommentar schreiben
22.12.2012, 18:06


22.12.2012, 16:30

Stricken ????? Wtf

22.12.2012, 16:28


22.12.2012, 15:06

100 kaufen und bei ebay verkaufen.

22.12.2012, 13:54

Statt knapp 3000€ nur 10 Namensch dann kauf ich am besten gleich 100 stück...

Wasn das fürn quarck

22.12.2012, 13:33

Schade habe vor Zwei Wochen 2999,90€ bezahlt -.-

22.12.2012, 13:10

haben wir schon den 1.April ??
