6. Feb. 2013, 23:23
Kostenloses eBook: Renovieren-Selbermachen das kleine Buch für 0€! (Vorher: 6,18€)
Gratis Aktion: Statt für 6,18€ bekommt ihr den Ratgeber Renovieren-Selbermachen das kleine Buch von Uwe Fritzkowski für 0€!
In diesem Buch erfahren Sie Wissenswertes zu
- Fehler/Schäden erkennen und beheben -
- Tapetensymbole, was bedeudet was -
- Innenputze im Überblick -
- Tapetenarten in Übersicht -
- Rissbehandlung in Decke und Wand -
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Kommentare (1)
Schreiben Kommentar schreibenPlease note that AT&T prepaid data plan will NOT work with the iPhone. I bughot data plus phone service, got my SIM card, stuck it in my iPhone and spent 2 hours on the phone with AT&T and Apple trying to figure out a way to get it working. Bottom line...prepaid AT&T data service for iPhone without a plan--no way. See, I live outside the US and bughot an unlocked iPhone here (no such thing as locked phones in this country). I visit the US once or twice a year for a week or two at a time, so a monthly plan makes no sense for me. Unfortunately the idiots running the US phone companies have no interest in the folks carrying iPhones and visiting the US on short trips. I guess they're getting some kind of kick back from foreign phone companies on the international roaming fees. Who knows. I am just deeply disappointed in US wireless offerings.