30. Jan. 2013, 08:39
Zwei Freundinnen - Popcorn [Kindle Edition] KOSTENLOS
Ein Mädchenkrimi. Wer glaubt, in Penzberg bei München ist nichts los, der hat sich geirrt. Anna und Kathrin, beste Freundinnen und begeisterte Radfahrerinnen geraten in einen Kriminalfall, der sie in Lebensgefahr bringt. Mit Mut und detektivischem Spürsinn machen sie sich an die Lösung...
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Kommentare (4)
Schreiben Kommentar schreibenProf. I want to buy this PaperWeight Kindle from your site, but wanted to check if any-one has thtguhos.I use my Kindle 3G as a library in that every-time I see a book review, I download the sample chapter. I read Woodward review and got the sample chapter. Just that simple.SO, SO, I have over 500+ sample chapters, PLUS over 100 books I have bought.WHen I buy a new Kindle, is there a way these sample chapters can be on the new Kindle? I think not. Who has the time to re-download the sample chapters?Any-one has encountered this issue when buying the new Kindle PaperWeight?Thanks many to every-one.
a0a0 Amazon Verified Purchase() This review is from: How-to-do-it books come in 3 modes: super tcnaciehl, sloppy, and helpful. This book is in the third categoary. It has straight forward instructions and explanations. I should know. I spent several years myself writing software manuals. I also just published my first ebook on Amazon. For ebook authors, Publish is a must. Thanks for making it so easy, Amazon.
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