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Kommentare (4)
Schreiben Kommentar schreibenT-ara Eunjung, not Ham Eun Jung Since I watched Woojung, I lstneied T-ara songs and watched almost their old Videos and variety shows, Eunjung was very dominant in almost every T-ara's activities at that time and she was a leader. But now, she's like just a dancer not a singer in T-ara's new songs she got few lines, she lost her place although she has a good voice TBH, I more love to listen T-ara's old songs than new songs, I really love to hear her rapping, like in Crazy because of you, falling u, Like the first time etc. and I love her voice in Good Person, this is very nice ballad song.This is very dramatic, T-ara made her name became famous but T-ara also made her name tarnished. yeah.. it breaks my heart too Sometimes I think, Eunjung should stop to be a good girl, try to make a mistake or tell the CEO that she's not satisfy with some situations around her, so there is a reason to kick her from T-ara and she can go out from CCM, and start to concern to her own career to be a real actress under other management (maybe MADE-M can recruit her ), just like Nam Gyuri from Seeya, But I know it's impossible.. she loves T-ara so much.. and now I think CCM will add not only 1 new member but maybe 2 member, so the choreography will look good with 9 girls ufff .Sorry if some of you don't agree with me and disturbed, this is just my thoughts ..
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