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Lampe Xiaomi Philips Eyecare für 29 EUR inkl. Versand
27. Juni 2018, 08:28

Lampe Xiaomi Philips Eyecare für 29 EUR inkl. Versand

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29€ 43,50€

Auf ebay.de bekommt man heute per Preisvorschlag von 29 EUR die Lampe Xiaomi Philips Eyecare inkl. Versand. Vergleichspreise liegen hier bei ca. 43,50 EUR.


Xiaomi Philips Eyecare Smart Lamp 2 - Not just a simple desk lamp, but also a master of eye comfort Xiaomi has yet released another new product, a more affordable smart lamp in their second collaboration with Philips. The Eyecare 2 smart lamp is said to be anti eye strain and the luminance is controllable based on user requirement.

Main Features: - Eye Comfort Designed to deliver optimal eye comfort as you read or work - Dual Light Source Design Optimizes illuminance contrast ratio to meet IESNA standard, ensuring your eyes have the right light for the task at hand - Flood and Uniform Lighting 90cm diameter wide-angle lighting according to GB 50034-2004 standard, optimizing the light when working or reading to maximize eye comfort - A Smarter Lamp By collecting and processing light signals through a light sensor, using a patented light calibration algorithm and Gamma light curve to offer more pleasant lighting - Full Freedom The lamp can fold up to 180 degrees based on the illustration. Besides, it has a long projectile motion, giving you more light coverage - Smart Control This lamp can easily be paired with Mi Home App and supports smartphones operating on Android and iOS - Smart Night Light With light sensor, when it gets dark, the lamp automatically enters Smart Night Light mode, touch any of the keys to turn it on - Stepless Dimming via Smartphones The lamp is customisable and can be personalised to deliver different light levels via Mi Home App - Personal Scene Setting Further, the smart lamp can also be connected with other Xiaomi smart home devices through the cloud to get more possibilities - Elegant Design

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