Xiaomi Notebook Pro für 697€
29. Nov. 2017, 19:56

Xiaomi Notebook Pro für 697€

4 1

Das Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro ( CORE I5, 8GB Ram, 256GB ) bekommt Ihr bei Gearbest grad zum Knallerpreis von 697,29€ inklusive der Versandkosten! ( Vergleichspreis bzw. Normalpreis liegt bei 850€, wodurch hier eine Ersparnis von 150€ entsteht! )




Xiaomi Mi Notebook Pro
is a cost-effective notebook which supports fingerprint recognition. Equipped with a 15.6 inch FHD display, brings your photos and videos to life. Powered by Intel Core processor, featuring NVIDIA GeForce MX150 graphics, ensures high performance. 256GB huge hard disk storage brings you smooth using experience. Dual band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi supported, ensures you high-speed surfing.

Main Features:
● Microsoft Windows 10 OS
Offers more powerful performance brings you more smooth and wonderful user experience
● Intel Core i5-8250U Quad Core 1.6GHz, up to 3.4GHz
Ultra-low-voltage platform and quad-core processing provide maximum high-efficiency power
● NVIDIA GeForce MX150 GPU
Dual graphics supported, better and faster in playing games and watching videos
● 8GB DDR4 RAM for Advanced Multitasking
Substantial high-bandwidth RAM to smoothly run your games, photos and video-editing applications
● 256GB SSD Storage Capacity
Provides room to store pictures, videos, music and more
● Front Camera for Photos and Face-to-face Chat
1.0MP front camera allows you to capture memorable moments or chat with friends
● HDMI Output Expands Your Viewing Options
You can connect the device to an HDTV or high-definition monitor to set up two screens side by side or just enlarge pictures
● Dual Band 2.4GHz / 5.0GHz WiFi
802.11a/b/g/n/ac wireless Internet, allows you to connect to the Web while within range of an available wireless network

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05.12.2017, 11:10

Einen guten deutschen Test zu den Xiaomi Notebooks (sowohl Air als auch Pro) findet ihr hier bei YouTube:

